A few months ago, I launched this new version of the website. I felt energized and encouraged. And then I lost focus. Again.
Ah, focus. My ever elusive friend.
For the past seven years, I have battled a number of health conditions which have prevented me from being able to take ADHD medication. Finally, I have been able to get them all under control. In the past three weeks, I have been back on my meds and I have done more than in the past 2 years probably.
House is clean. House is staying clean. I am finding peace in my home and an ability to resume work on projects. The greatest of which is The Grey & The White. Book Two is taking form again.
I took the time to read what I had so far of the draft rather than diving straight in. It took a lot of restraint, but I believe it will pay off greatly. Yesterday was my first day to actually continue writing the draft.
The moment I started typing, I could tell how different my thoughts are now. The focus and clarity...I'm not going to claim this will be a masterpiece, but I am so pleased to be able to write and actually imagine clearly the things I am putting on paper.
I look forward to sharing more in the near future. This site and journal have been neglected since shortly after launch. I will attempt to update more regularly.